Science & Technology

The world’s most technologically advanced scientifically validated mechanical adjustment instrument!

Science & Technology

The worlds most technologically advanced scientifically validated mechanical adjustment instrument!

Evidence Based Science

Truth and authenticity go hand in hand with simplicity. Not every adjusting attempt is successful.
Despite technique, patients can guard during adjustment, or your line of drive isn’t correct. A joint that is in advanced stage of degeneration won’t move much. We acknowledge this Truth and built the technology into Impulse Adjusting Instruments® that have you covered.

Validated Data

Vertebral Motion Analysis

The graphs show in vivo human lumbar spine motion during the application of the Impulse IQ. As successive thrusts are applied the initial amount of movement is improved providing biomechanical evidence of an increase in bone movement and joint mobility following an adjustment.

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The most sophisticated computerized adjustment instrument on the planet.


Automatically adjusts to patient response to maximize bone/joint movement.



Quantifiable evidence based testing using advanced accelerometers.

Maximum Performance


  • Impulse has been calibrated at 6 times per second, which targets the average body’s natural or resident frequency to maximize motion at the targeted treatment area.


  • Like Impulse, the IQ version maximizes motion but incorporates sophisticated sensors. IQ will sense and adjust to the resident frequency for each patient’s body and treatment area in real time.

Scientifically Tested

Validated by comparing instrument performance against pin mounted accelerometers rigidly affixed to the spinous processes.

Neuromechanical test results shock leading spinal research experts.

Spinal research experts anticipated increased motion when multiple thrusts could be delivered in synchronization with the subject’s natural or resident frequency. Experts involved with devising the testing protocol were hopeful to see a 10-15% increase in mobility. They were shocked at an average greater than 25% increased mobility.


Increased bone movement & neuromuscular response

Results Published in Clinical Biomechanics & The Journal of Biomechanics


Better test results than leading experts anticipated

Dr. Christopher J, Colloca, DC,. Explains

The science, technology, development, validation, and practical applications.

Learn everything you need to know about Impulse and Impulse IQ, directly from the inventor.

Free Whitepapers Download

19MB Downloadable PDF file.

Over 80 pages of scientific research papers, clinical data and information about the worlds #1 chiropractic Adjustment instrument.

20k+ Doctors Can’t Be Wrong!

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World Headquarters

783 County Route 3
Fulton, NY 13069

Sales & Service

9831 S. 51st St., Suite D-131
Phoenix • AZ • 85044



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